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Pee Wee Division
Updated 7.9.2022

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Atlanta Falcons
Coach: Chal Chaffe

Aguirre, Irelynn
Cheng, Nicholas
Dembekjian, Nick
Dudukgian, Leon
Federico, Julien
Gonzalez, Elijah
Melendez, Jorge
Pagan, Preston
Robinson, Braylon
Quan, Astrid
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New England Patriots
Coach: Mike DiLisio

Converse, Dylan
DeArman, Harrison
DiLisio, Sean
Faust, Jax
Morales, Isaiah
Palomino, Troy
Robles, Oliver
Rorden, Cole

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New York Jets
Coach: Joe Hanks

Burgos, Jack
Fox, Miles
Hanks, Joey
Summers III, Brent
Tom, Maxwell
Villalobos, Toni
Viray, Michael
Williams, Tyland

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Pittsburgh Steelers
Coach: Mario Carillo

Carrillo, Maximus
Cho, Preston
Heger, Sid
Henry, Liam
Kim, Ethan
Schrieber, Liam
White, Nicholas
Williams, Mateo

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Tampa Bay Bucs
Coach: Laron Johnson

Ahn, Clayton
Barrios, Ryan
Diaz, Jaxon
Johnson, Logan
Jones, Adrian
Morris, Legend
Torres, Benicio
Smith Jr., Darshon

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